List: 10 best things about being home alone – I’m guilty of all of these

1. You can lie around wherever and read whatever – there’s nobody there to judge you!

2. You can walk around in your underwear without anyone saying a word!

3. You can even walk around naked. And you no longer need to close the bathroom door!

4. You can leave things out without anyone complaining!

5. You can take a break and enjoy the silence, drink coffee and look out through window. There’s nobody around to disturb you – it’s just you and your thoughts!

6. Your bed, your rules!

7. You can lie around in bed all day if you want to. Nobody will ask you to get up and do boring chores!

8. You can sleep wherever you want, wear whatever you want – and you have the whole bed to yourself!

Source (all): Idalia Candelas

9. You can sing loudly and off-key in the shower without anyone complaining!


10. You can eat whatever you want – and nobody will complain! Treat yourself!


Which one of these is your favorite?

If the above points are true for you, then press the share button to treat your friends to a smile today! I think we can all relate to most of these!

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