Only a few people can pass this test: Which tank will fill up first?

Earlier today, while I was sitting at the dentist waiting for my turn, I encountered this puzzle (below). I think I’ve seen similar ones before, but this one was pretty hard. You need to concentrate and push your eyes and brain to the limits to solve it.

Which tank will fill up first?

In this puzzle, you will have to figure out which tank will fill up with water first. However, there are obstacles and details that you have to keep an eye out for – if you are impatient, it’s easy to make a mistake. Of course, only 1 in 5 people gets it right on the first try.

Now I’ll let you get to it and try to figure out the correct answer!

Which tank will fill up first?


Now take an extra minute, so you don’t get it wrong! You can check the answer below!

Remember, most people get it wrong, so don’t be hasty!

Here is the right answer!

The container number 3 will fill up first! If you look carefully, water will never get to containers 4 or 5. However, the water from 2 will be directed to 7 where it leaks outside from the bottom. The path between 2 and 6 is also closed!

Did you get it right? Then press the share button, and share a fun challenge with your friends!

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