13 Animals that regretted going to the pet groomer

Just as we, humans, must trim or cut our hair every few weeks, animals need their fur cut, brushed, trimmed, and treated. And just as with us, things can go very wrong for pets when trying a new stylist.

Now both hair and fur will eventually grow back, so the disaster won’t last forever—but neither we nor our pets enjoy the walk of shame after a bad cut.

We have previously written about 15 daredevils who regretted their decision to try a new hairstyle. However, now is the animals’ turn. The difference is that they almost become cuter after an unsuccessful haircut. How lucky they are!

With that said, here are 13 examples where you wonder if the pet-stylist knew what they were doing…

1. How did this happen?

Image source: Reddit

2. “You will pay for this human!”

Image source: Reddit

3. What a cute afro!

Image source: Reddit

4. “He won’t even look at me anymore.”

Image source: Reddit

5. Chicken or dog?

Image source: Imgur

6. Two faces or two bodies?

Image source: Imgur

7. Haha! What a cutie!

8. “Human, we need to have a serious talk!”

Image source: Imgur

9. What a fresh-looking bunch!

Image source: Pinterest

10. Small seal or dog? Regardless, this one is a cutie!

Image source: Sad and Useless Humor

11. Strong Karen vibes!

12. Yes, he is mad at his master…

Image source: Pinterest

13. The biggest sugar cube in the world!

Image source: Imgur

Pets are awesome! Impossible not to smile after seeing these pictures! Now press that Share button below to spread the joy!

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