

Roberto got famous for having the world’s largest penis – but his trousers were hiding a secret

Roberto got famous for having the world's largest penis

Penis size has been the focus of many conversations since time immemorial. Does size matter? Is masculinity dependent on penis ...

Stephanie earns $50,000 a week selling her farts

Breaking wind, farting, dropping a poof. Releasing gas has many nicknames. But everyone farts, regardless of how rightful and proper ...

Amber is obsessed with tattoos and operations

At the age of 16, Amber Luke, now 27, realized she wasn’t comfortable looking like the average Australian blonde girl. ...

26-year-old has had over 100 plastic surgeries

We can all agree that the fixation with our looks has gone too far. Although not everyone has this problem, ...

25-year-old has spent $175,000 on her "duck lips" and giant boobs

Nothing is more inspiring than people daring to stand out from the rest. When someone follows their own voice and ...

Meet the world's first anus hotel

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more common to see hotels trying to set themselves apart from the rest. Therefore, ...