Boss lets loose powerful fart in important meeting – more than 20 million people have seen the clip

If you need a good laugh today, then look no further. This video will absolutely make your day!

Farting is one of the most natural things there is. We all do it, whether we want to admit it or not. Of course, most people do it when they’re alone – it’s not exactly something you want to advertise.

But sometimes it can be incredibly hard to hold back. You know the feeling – you can feeling it coming, and you just have to let her rip. And for some strange reason, this always happens at the wrong place and the wrong time. Like at a formal dinner or in an important meeting….

Laughing at gas and wind might be a bit childish, but we all need to be a bit immature every now and then. You can’t go through life being serious and severe all the time – well, you can, but you won’t have as much fun!

The wrong place and the wrong time

I think we can all relate to this hilarious clip. More than 20 million people have cracked up watching it, and it takes place in a town hall meeting somewhere in the US. The mood is serious and professional, but then everything goes straight to hell.

Everyone at the podium has a microphone amplifying all the sounds they make, which is usually a good thing, but this time it leads to catastrophe.

Suddenly, someone lets loose a powerful and loud fart, and thanks to the mics everyone in the room instantly notices.

The serious people in the front struggle to keep from laughing, and the woman addressed as Madam President has to turn away her mic since she can’t stop cracking up.

This is absolutely hilarious, and their contagious laughter just makes everything a thousand times better. I can totally understand the trouble they have staying professional!

Watch the clip below!

Don’t be shy, SHARE if you laughed! Your friends could use some joy right about now!