17-year-old wants to go on a date half-naked, grandma’s smart comeback makes her blush like a tomato

Your teenage years is the time when you try to find out who you are and what you want in life. Inevitably, you tend to make a few mistakes along the way. That’s when it helps to have a grandma around who can help out with her wisdom and experience. This is one such story!

Grandma outsmarts teenager

A couple of parents are out of town celebrating their wedding day, and so they ask grandma to keep an eye on their teenage daughter.

It’s Friday evening, and the teenage grandchild is getting ready for a date. The girl walks down the stairs, and grandma is shocked to see that she is wearing a see-through blouse without anything underneath.

“You wouldn’t dare go out dressed like that!” grandma says to the girl.

“Relax, grandma,” the girl says, “It’s 2017, it’s okay to let your rosebuds show a bit.”

The girl quickly runs out of the house before the grandma can get a word in edgewise.

On the next day, the girl walks down the stairs again, but is shocked to see her grandma sitting there without any clothes on her upper body.

The girl is incredibly embarrassed by the sight. She tells grandma that she has invited some friends over, and asks her to put on some clothes so it won’t be awkward.

“Relax, honey,” grandma says, “if you can show your rosebuds, then what’s wrong with me showing my hanging plants?”

I hope this story brought a smile to your face! Please share the laughter and send this story on!

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