The challenge that only a few can handle: Are you able to find the letter that stands out?

My friends and I have recently begun to send each other these types of puzzles almost daily. It’s a fun way to satisfy your competitive instinct while exercising your mind.

Can you find the letter that stands out?

The challenge below is a typical example of what my friends and I usually send to each other. You need to find the letter that’s different from the rest in the picture. Focus all your senses.

Here’s the picture. Can you find the letter that stands out?

How did it go? If you found it, congratulations! If you didn’t, no worries, you can see the answer below.

There’s a P hiding among all R’s. Not easy to find if you don’t focus.

Okay, we’ll try another one. Will you be able to find the letter that doesn’t belong this time? Here’s the picture.

This one is even harder so if you succeeded you should really give yourself a pat on the back. If you didn’t, below you can see the answer.

There! It’s quite difficult, I really struggled to find the W myself.

Now press the share button and find out if your friends can handle this challenge!

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