

This riddle leaves many people confused – but can you guess how many children are there?

Confusing Riddle: Can you guess how many children are there?

Everyone knows that sometimes, you have to move around to feel good. Whether it’s running around the block or taking ...

Tricky brainteaser: 27 movies are hidden in this photo – how many can you spot?

Only smart people can see 2 different images in this portrait

The famous picture below has been circulating around the world since 1888. To give you some perspective, It was the ...

Only 1 out of 10 people can solve this puzzle: Can you figure out what the father’s fifth son is called?

Certainly, every time I visit my parents, they still have the same sudoku and crossword books they used to solve ...

Only 1 in 7 adults finds the correct answer: How many holes does this t-shirt have?

Back in school things were different. Riddles were mostly about using pen and paper. I remember a teacher who liked to hand ...

math test

Most adults can’t solve this math test from elementary school: Will you succeed?

Challenging yourself every now and then is good for your health – and it always feels like your mind is much clearer ...