Swedish Victoria has not washed her hair in years

There is a recurring discussion about how often people should wash their hair. What’s good and what’s bad for it?

Most of us have our own routine and favorite products by now, but we also know that washing your hair every day is not ideal.

Shampoo wears the hair out, and we use conditioner or similar products to restore the oils and nutrients stripped away in the process. Therefore, it may be better to wash your hair no more than 3 or 4 times per week.

With that said, there is a new movement called No poo, led by influencers like Victoria Vesterlund, a vegan Swede—who has not washed her hair for several years.

Washing your hair is, for most people, part of taking a shower and nothing you think about very much.

However, buying shampoo, conditioner, and other hair products can be expensive and sometimes feel like a luxury.

Haven’t washed her hair in years

For Victoria Vesterlund, buying hair products is a thing of the past—since she hasn’t washed her hair with them for several years.

Instead, she just rinses her hair with water—which she says is the key to her hair looking fabulous daily.

Victoria has shared online tips for getting healthy hair.

Victoria’s tricks for fabulous hair

Here is the translation:

Get your hair used to getting washed as often, but do it gradually so that the hair goes through a learning curve.

Eat healthy and organic foods with a lot of vitamin C.

Drink lots of water.

Massage the scalp regularly.

After cutting it: put coconut oil on the tips and do not rinse.

After a shower, let the hair dry by itself, don’t use a hairdryer.

Only vegan food

Victoria is educated in nutrition and has published a cookbook where she shares her best vegan recipes.

She is also very active online, where she shares daily health and diet tips with her thousands of followers.

What do you think about this—is it crazy, or does it make perfect sense?

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