New research: 2 pints of beer better for pain relief than Tylenol

Got a headache after a hard night?

Then maybe you should think twice before reaching for your painkillers.

Two beers are more effective at making you feel better – that’s what researchers found over the course of 18 different studies.

“Alcohol can be compared to opioid drugs such as codeine, and the effect is more powerful than Tylenol,” Dr Trevor Thompson tells The Independent.

Experts emphasize that you should still exercise caution when it comes to drinking alcohol.

However, researchers hope that this study will contribute to the development of new medicines and substances to treat pain and headaches.

It’s not clear whether alcohol reduces feelings of pain because it affects brain receptors or because it just lowers anxiety, which then makes us think the pain isn’t as bad.

Looking back in history, two beers to relieve pain sure beats the alternatives.

In ancient Rome, eating fried canary was the most popular way of curing a hangover, while the ancient greeks were convinced that munching on two owl eggs was what did the trick.

Maybe drinking two beers isn’t that bad of a cure after all?

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