18 pictures that prove grandmothers are the best

Having grandchildren is lovely. However, having a caring grandparent is just as wonderful, if not better.

Few people in a kid’s life can provide as much knowledge and love as a grandmother.

Their experiences stretch back to when life was a little more challenging, making them pretty tough.

Grandmas are full of affection to give—as the pictures below will show!

1. “Bought a new console. The first thing grandma did was crochet a tablecloth for it.”

Image source: Pikabu

2. You never go home with an empty stomach when you visit grandma

Image source: Pikabu

3. “My grandmother bought an ‘Easter Bunny’ to decorate.”

4. “Grandma brings her own bacon because she thinks the restaurant puts too little.”

Image source: Reddit

5. On her 87th birthday, she wanted the same pants as her 17-year-old granddaughter.

Image source: Imgur

6. “She knitted a hat for my hamster.”

Image source: Imgur

7. “My grandma bought the defective pig because she felt sorry for it.”

Image source: Imgur

8. No more fucks to give.

Image source: Pikabu

9. “I gave my grandmother a computer.”

Image source: Pikabu

10. At grandma’s, it is always a buffet!

Image source: Twitter

11. “Grandma made a jello cake. With 21 layers.”

Image source: Reddit

12. “I bought ripped jeans. So grandma fixed the holes.”

Image source: Twitter

13. Even at the gym, grandma is the coolest!

Image source: Imgur

14. No rush!

Image source: Reddit

15. The grandma train!

Image source: Imgur

16. “Grandma was spot on!”

Image source: Reddit

17. “Grandma’s new profile picture.”

Image source: Reddit

18. What a couple of badasses!

Image source: Reddit

Such wholesome and funny pictures!

Now press that SHARE button below to pay tribute to all the fantastic grandmas out there!

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