15 construction mistakes that undoubtedly got the craftsman fired that same day

All professions have their positives and negatives, no matter what you do for a living. Being good with the difficult parts of a job will make you the object of admiration among co-workers, while being able to do the simpler parts may not be something to brag about.

However, if things go wrong with the easy parts of a job, the whole thing exhales stupidity – especially if it’s the work of craftsmen. There is just no way to hide such blunders.

When you witness a horrible mistake in construction work, you wonder what the craftsmen thought when they decided to go ahead with it.

Therefore, below we have gathered a list of 15 craftsmen who should really consider changing careers.

1. Who needs security when you have an impenetrable door?

2. Nothing like a safe playground for your kids

3. “Are you sure that the driveway should not be in front of the garage door?”

“Trust us, we make the best driveways!”

4. I wonder how much the tickets cost

5. Disability access, with obstacles!

6. Ah! A dreamy view! Whenever the craftsmen decide to build doors there

7. “Great job!” Said no one

8. Have you ever seen a climbing ATM?

9. A balcony taken from a cartoon

10. A social-distancing inspired bathroom

11. Some craftsmen seem to have a difficult time understanding balconies

12. These stairs might lead to Hogwarts

13. “To cross this bridge all you need is a leap of faith”

14. I have no words for this one

15. These stairs are like the American congress – they get nowhere

What a bunch of hilarious mistakes – how could things have gone so wrong?! I sometimes can’t believe things even if I’m looking at the evidence with my eyes. I guess it’s good for keeping my faith in humanity.

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