stupid people

stupid people

Driver throws garbage on the road – gets taught a lesson

Driver throws garbage on the road

Taking care of our planet is something we don’t seem to be taking seriously enough. We have a duty to ...

Alexander has a guide to be "a nice woman"

There is a social construct that dictates what is typically feminine and masculine. However, these old guidelines are slowly fading ...

Horny idiot takes Viagra for bulls

A man was recently admitted to hospital after taking a Viagra concoction intended for bulls, which gave him a three-day ...

Thomas gets furious with his sloppy tenants

Renting a place you own can be a bit tricky. You don’t want people to think you are too strict, ...

19 idiots who should be looking for another job

No matter what you do for a living, some parts of a job are more complicated than others. If something ...

Alexander wrote a list of rules for "a Beautiful woman"

In today’s society, there is a general idea about what the perfect woman and men look like. In my honest ...