17 lazy people that went above and beyond to avoid hard work

Many of us are lazy to the point that it gets creative. Of course, it varies from person to person, but it feels that as society evolves, it is normal to find more and more shortcuts to avoid unnecessary work.

Couch sluts rejoice! Our time to shine is here. All that DIY knowledge from social media marathons will finally pay off. So let’s find new ways to live a lazy life, so we can kick back and enjoy.

Thankfully, intelligent people are often lazy—and quite resourceful too! That is why we have collected 17 pictures here that prove that people are better at being lazy than you think.

Hopefully, it’ll put a smile on your face or give you a life tip!

1. The time a basket would save this person

2. Getting out of the car? Hell nah!

3. This is pretty genius—as long as he doesn’t set the neighborhood on fire!

4. Laziness struck halfway through the wash.

5. When sitting up becomes too much work.

6. This is the American way.

7. Shopping with lazy children…

8. How dare you ask me to stand in line for 3 minutes.

9. Nothing could get in the way of this road worker and his nap.

10. Ducktape is lazy people’s best friend!

11. The feet can work as hands if you lazy hard enough.

12. When the armrest is not tall enough.

13. “It will be fine—I cleared enough snow!”

14. When you don’t have the strength to look for the headphones.

15. All I can see is a woman that knows what’s up.

16. Time to save all about 3 seconds of stairs.

17. Creativity is crucial when you are lazy

Image source (all): Lenta.lol

Indeed these people were quite lazy? If you can relate, share this list with your friends, and invite them to a good laugh today!

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