17 tough men who didn’t want “a damn cat” – now they can’t live without them

1. “Before I got my kitten, my boyfriend said he didn’t like cats. Now I have been demoted to “Princess #2”

Image source: Reddit

2. “My girlfriend’s dad doesn’t like kittens so he says, looks like she won him over”

Image source: Reddit

3. “Boyfriend says he does not like kitties. I think he is full of shit”

Image source: Reddit

4. “He didn’t want a cat”

Image source: Imgur

5. “He didn’t like cats either”

Image source: Imgur

6. “My boyfriend said he doesn’t like cats. This is him now”

Image source: Imgur

7. “No, I Don’t want to hold a kitten”

Image source: Reddit.

8. “My dad never wanted a cat, and look at him now”

Image source: Reddit

9. “My dad, who hates cats, built bunk beds for my boys”

Image source: Reddit

10. “When we met 13 years ago he told me, “I’m more of a dog person, really”

Image source: Reddit

11. ” I always considered myself to be more of a dog person, but a co-worker brought this little guy in and I couldn’t help myself”

Image source: Reddit

12. “My dad swears he hates kittens”

Image source: Reddit

13. “14 Years ago my sister and I got a kitten for our dad who had always said he hated cats. They’ve been inseparable ever since”

Image source: Reddit

14. “I wanted a cat. My ‘not a cat person’ boyfriend didn’t. We got one because it would make me happy. Guess whose cat she is now?”

Image source: Reddit

15. “Caught a picture of my cat with my friend who adamantly ‘hates cats”

Image source: Imgur

16. “If you ask him, he’ll say: ‘f*ck no, I’m not a cat person”

Image source: Imgur

17. “My boyfriend always said he didn’t want to get a cat. This is them 5 minutes after meeting

Image source: Reddit

Of course, men and cats can be friends, even if they both are very stubborn creatures!

Now press the share button to pay tribute to all pets!

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