List: 16 expensive plastic surgeries that turned out so badly, the surgeon had to be fired

Plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular. Naturally, each and everyone is free to do whatever they want with their bodies. That’s perfectly fine – but some people simply go too far.

Instead of making minor adjustments in order to become more attractive, some people go through an absurd amount of surgeries and end up not even looking human any more. One operation leads to two operations, which leads to three – and suddenly you’ve ended up with a fake and plastic look.

You should definitely think twice before getting an operation for cosmetic reasons. Not only can it go wrong, it’s also incredibly expensive and can be had to reverse after the fact.

Inspired by the site Heftig, we’ve compiled 16 examples of people who simply took plastic surgery too far! Perhaps some of these surgeons maybe weren’t their best day either…

1. Did he turn out looking like his idol Justin Bieber?

Source: imgur

2. Was this really a good decision?

Source: twitter

3. Believe it or not, this is not photoshopped…

Source: pinterest

4. Oops…

Source: twitter

5. Is she happy or angry? I can’t really tell…

6. This looks like a caricature of a person…

7. The doctor should just say ‘no’ next time…

8. Yes, those are her boobs…

Source: imgur

Check out number 13!

9. It’s hard not to notice those lips!

10. She’s lucky that it’s the inside that counts, because the outside has gone too far!

11. Lips, lips, lips…

12. I’m guessing these guys have the same idol…

13. Whoops…

Source: imgur

14. I’m not sure if that’s an improvement…

Source: imgur

15. Lips seem to be a recurring theme, but surely this woman has got to be the “winner”?

Source: twitter

16. Martina aims to have the world’s biggest breasts…

Source: Daily Mail

These people really did extreme things to their outside, but it’s the inside that counts. SHARE this article if you agree!

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