plastic surgery

plastic surgery

27-year-old Amber is obsessed with tattoos and operations

Amber is obsessed with tattoos and operations

At the age of 16, Amber Luke, now 27, realized she wasn’t comfortable looking like the average Australian blonde girl. ...

Adam, 32, has tattooed 90% of his body black

We should all have the power to decide what to do (or don’t) with our own bodies, and discrimination against ...

34-year-old has spent over $50,000 to look like Ivanka Trump

Plastic surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years thanks to the many people worldwide obsessed with their appearance. It ...

23-year-old is obsessed with Marilyn Monroe

We all have someone we deeply respect and look up to. And usually, idolization stops at that, admiring from a ...

2-year-old spends a fortune to become Korean

Most people spend their lives searching for their identity. Some of us accept and even embrace our looks, while others ...

31-year-old is addicted to plastic surgeries

As a teenager, most of us struggle to find our own image. You quickly grow out of your clothes, and ...