Pregnant or own a beer belly? Then this floaty is just perfect for you

Enjoying the summer break while being pregnant is a difficult task. It’s very warm and humid, the belly gets in the way – and it’s easy to sweat a lot while carrying a little person inside of you.

Now, however, there’s a new floaty to save summer for all pregnant mothers and it only costs $75 on Amazon.

Comfortable for the hips and back

Sounds like a worthy investment! According to several customers.

Image source: Instagram / @cozybumpau

What is special about the floaty, which you can use in water or on land, is that it has a hole designed to accommodate a pregnant stomach. The creators also designed it to be extra comfortable for the hips, back, and legs, according to the site Diply.

Image source: Instagram / @ munequita_bonita69

The mattress should also, according to the manufacturer, be considerably more stable than similar products – making it much easier to use. While most customers use it on the beach or in a pool, some use it for work or even watching TV.

Image source: Instagram / @meghan_mosakowski

“It’s worth every penny. You can lie both on your back or the stomach. My hips and my back feel so much better,” wrote a user on Amazon.

“This mattress almost saved my life during pregnancy,” wrote another.

Image source: Instagram / @danibonnor

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A comfortable mattress solution that you can use virtually anywhere, a special hole for the stomach and extra stability. Besides a reasonable price, it feels like a good investment for all pregnant mothers – especially now that it’s summer.

Do you know someone who needs this amazing invention? Tag that person on Facebook! It can either be a pregnant woman or a friend with a good beer belly!

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