Only 1 in 10 people get this right, I would be impressed if you solve it

This past few years, I have taken a liking to leave some time of my day to just sit down and solve some challenges. It can be anything from math problems to solving a clever puzzle.

Nowadays, I think we need this kind of brain exercise more than ever before. Sudoku and crosswords have almost always been the most popular ones, usually included in the morning paper – and now in the past years, it feels like the amount of puzzles and riddles on the web has grown more and more.

Of course, this is a good thing. Brainteasers are something you can never get too much of.

I found the test below earlier today – and I wanted to share it with you.

Only 10% get it right

In the picture, we can see 4 matches – 2 vertical and 2 horizontal – but your goal now is to figure out how to move only one of them to create a square.

It is said that only 1 in 10 people can solve this puzzle on the first try, because yes – it is actually not that easy. With this kind of challenges, it’s always a good idea to think a little “outside the box”.

Well – can you figure out how to create a square by moving just one match?!

Did you figure out the answer? Well, as I said, it’s quite difficult!

But after you solve it, or want to see the solution, you can find it below!

So, the answer is not a complex and difficult movement. The solution is actually pulling the top match slightly outwards. This creates a square hole in the middle where all the matches meet!

Smart, wasn’t it? Now press that share button to invite your friends to a clever challenge!

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