

Man takes Viagra for bulls – has an erection for 3 days straight

Man takes Viagra for bulls

We all do crazy things in our lives. Sometimes for money, sometimes for fame, and sometimes for love. We all ...

Daniel takes 35 Viagra pills

Saying that sex is what some of us live for is not an exaggeration. You’ll never forget the moment you ...

Horny idiot takes Viagra for bulls

A man was recently admitted to hospital after taking a Viagra concoction intended for bulls, which gave him a three-day ...

Popular energy drink now banned from stores – contains Viagra: ”Had a boner for six hours”

The country of Zambia banned the beverage Power Natural High Energy Drink SX. Because it seems to contain Sildenafil Citrate, ...

79 year old man wants to buy Viagra, his wife has the perfect reply ready

79 year old John is sitting on the couch watching the TV, when suddenly an ad for Viagra starts playing. ...