Rolf has the most piercings in the world – 278 of them on his penis

Getting tattoos, piercings, plastic surgery, and other body modifications has become increasingly popular in recent times. People have gotten creative in order to stick out from the rest of us.

The human imagination seems to know no bounds.

At The Laugh Club, we not only write about funny things but also like to follow unique people and events. We want to be clear and point out the obvious – everyone can look and be exactly as they want, as long as they don’t hurt others or disobey the law.

The other day we wrote about Andrea, who through surgery created her dream ass – and now makes millions with social media, but she is not the only one going to extremes to make a part of their body unique.

No, a German man has also gone a bit off the rails modifying his penis. Rolf Buchholz is spectacular in more ways than one.

He is the world’s most pierced man, according to Ladbible.

Big horn implants

Between November 8-10, an annual event is usually held in Belgium where tattoo enthusiasts gathered to discuss, showcase and study their works of art.

There are also opportunities for those who want to show off their latest pieces. Prizes are also awarded for “best craftsmanship” and “best performance”.

One of the big stars in the last event was Rolf Buchholz. He showed off his latest major body modifications. What attracted the most attention were the horns on his forehead.

The German man has a total of 480 piercings – 278 of which are located on his penis. However, it still looks surprisingly clean and smooth when he pulls down his pants in the pictures above – even if his “sacred place” is of course not visible.

94 piercings on the mouth

In an interview, Rolf revealed that the many pieces of metal in his lower regions do not significantly affect his sex life.

“It’s not a problem at all. If it had been, I would have gotten rid of them a long time ago.”

This tattoo lover also has 94 piercings around his mouth and lips. It may like he has trouble eating, but the only problem that Rolf seems to experience, he claims, is at airports. However, not because of the reason you might think.

In 2014, he was denied access to the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) due to his odd appearance.

“They thought I was a black magician,” says Rolf.

What do you think about this? Is Rolf doing the right thing by following his dream, or is it madness?

Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments field on Facebook, or share this amazing story with your friends!

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