23-year-old is obsessed with looking like Marilyn Monroe

We all have someone we deeply respect and look up to. And usually, idolization stops at that, admiring from a distance. But as with everything else in this world, some people like to take things a step further.

Such is the case for 23-year-old influencer Serena Smith. Her idol is the legendary actress Marilyn Monroe.

Serena’s worship of Marilyn Monroe has led her to spend over $50,000 to look like her idol, reports The Mirror.

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Nose, breasts, butt, and lips. These are some of the body parts that this reality TV star and musician from California has changed to closely resemble Marilyn Monroe.

Injected fat in her butt

Serena recently underwent a Brazilian butt lift. This procedure involves sucking out fat from the body and injecting it into the butt. Not an entirely risk-free operation, but Serena is prepared to take those risks.

“I am happy with the results from all my surgeries, but do I still see upgrades and improvements that can be made? Absolutely,” Serena told The Mirror.

In total, Serena has spent over $50,000 modifying her body.

Thousands of followers

Serena’s transformation into a modern-day Marilyn Monroe has not gone unnoticed. On Instagram, Serena boasts over 21,400 followers, who receive daily updates featuring Serena’s life.

Unfortunately, Serena also receives some online hate because of her unique appearance, something she tries her best to ignore.

“All you can do is control how you react to things and how you perceive them. To be a public figure and someone who puts their life out there for the world to see, you need to have a thick skin and be able to block out the negativity,” says Serena to The Mirror.

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