31 old school parenting photos that would easily offend thin-skinned people today

In today’s world, there are a lot of things that can concern or offend you. Climate change, wars, pollution, etc. It’s a slippery slope once you touch a delicate topic while talking with your friends or family. However, there are a lot of reasons to be happy. We, as a species, have come a long way. Technology has taken us so far, and it might not look like much, that’s normal. We are engineered to give for granted what we have so we can move on to the next goal.

Who would have thought humanity would have a global neural network of millions of computers around the world? I can call my parents on the other side of the world for free, with no delay. I would take inventing the internet over flying cars any day of the week.

So yeah, we’ve come a long way if you look back. Things that we used to do and consume seem so primitive now that it gets bizarre at one point. Nowadays we have more common sense and Political Correctness. However, some people just take advantage of PC to get some easy attention, going out of their way to get offended or shame a person for who they were as a teenager or what they tweeted 10 years ago.

With all that in mind, here are 31 old photos that would easily offend thin-skinned people on the internet. Inspired by Shareably.

1. Bottoms up

Source: Reddit.

2. Nice pet you have there

Source: Reddit.

3. How not to teach your kids to swim

Source: Reddit.

4. A boy needs his cigar

Source: Reddit.

5. Just a normal family picture

Source: Reddit.

6. That girl means business

Source: Flickr.

7. Ice skating with a baby, safety first

Source: Reddit.

8. Car seats were not very safe back then

Source: Reddit.

9. Bring your baby to a rave, yup

Source: Reddit.

10. Back then safety was fake news

Source: Pinterest.

11. I would be just as concerned as this child

Source: Pinterest.

12. This young lad has stories to tell

Source: Pinterest.

13. Alright, that is one way to do it

Source: Pinterest.

14. This is actually kinda cute

Source: Pinterest.

15. Risks aside, it’s a great view

Source: Pinterest.

16. What better for safety than a mother’s arms

Source: Reddit.

17. A nice and safe nap

Source: Pinterest.

18. Child seats really took a long time to get safe

Source: Pinterest.

19. A smoke after giving birth

Source: Reddit.

20. Mom will help you do anything son

Source: Instagram.

21. Guns for kids, NRA’s wet dream

Source: Pinterest.

22. Talking about more guns

Source: Pinterest.

23. I guess children were expendable until recently

Source: Pinterest.

24. Ads were brutal back then

Source: Pinterest.

25. This will offend a lot of people

Source: Pinterest.

26. Honestly, they had no chill

Source: Pinterest.

27. Heineken must be pretty proud of this one

Source: Drinking Made Easy.

28. When arranged marriages were still a thing in the west

Source: Twenty Two Words.

29. Just some kids having fun

Source: Pinterest.

30. I wonder why there are no more Bear-rides?

Source: Reddit.

31. How the tables have turned

Source: Pinterest.

So, there you have it, the world doesn’t look that bad now eh? Can’t deny that we’ve come a long way.

Do you think so? Then share this article with your friends and tells us your opinion.

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