Researchers conclude: This is why older women should sleep with younger men

There was a time when nobody talked about older people having sex. It was as if people thought everyone stopped rolling in the hay the moment they turned 50. But as all of us aged people know, that’s not true at all.

In fact, it’s often the other way around!

It isn’t until you’re more mature and experienced that you know exactly what you like and what makes you feel good. But recently, research has found that some elderly benefit more from sex than others…

In September 2016, researchers in Michigan and Illinois published a fascinating study in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. Over a period of 5 years, they analyzed the sex lives of 200 women and men aging 57 to 85.

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The study found that “frequent and good sex” generally had a beneficial impact on older women’s health. However, it could be harmful for older men.

Lower blood pressure

Researchers also look at how intercourse affected heart health and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Men who were sexually active in the autumn of life had a higher chance of experiencing negative cardiovascular events. However, the opposite was true for women.


Elderly women who had frequent sex had lower blood pressure than those who seldom rolled in the hay. Researchers theorize that this is caused by a hormone released during women’s orgasms.

So the conclusion is simple – when men get older, they’ll have to make do on their own. Meanwhile, lady cougars should go out on the prowl for young meat. All in the name of promoting one’s health!

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