People over 40 should only work three days a week
If you had the chance to work fewer days during the week than you do now, would you take it? I personally would say yes in a heartbeat, even though I enjoy doing my job. ...
If you had the chance to work fewer days during the week than you do now, would you take it? I personally would say yes in a heartbeat, even though I enjoy doing my job. ...
Every single person on this planet is unique. Blond, dark-haired, chubby, skinny, etc. This is what makes our world so beautiful – because how fun would it be if everyone had exactly the same appearance? ...
Do you completely lose the ability to concentrate when someone close to you chews with their mouth open? Or do you get unjustifiably annoyed when the person next to you is breathing heavily? Then you ...
The personalities of the members of a family can vary greatly. Usually, one parent is the responsible one, while the other is the laid back one, one kid is nice and kind – and one ...
Everybody needs some “me time” once in a while, a chance to be alone for a few minutes to recharge and collect your thoughts. But for many people, there’s only one place you can really ...
Are you a workaholic? Is your career the most important thing in your life? Is overtime a common occurrence at your job? Then there is a chance that you will start losing your hair and ...
Yes, there are several surveys and reports that suggest people who talk to themselves have higher intelligence, according to The power of silence. Easier to remember In a study published in the Quarterly Journal of ...
Spring is here, but the heat hasn’t really come yet. In the next few months, however, we can expect the temperature to rise more and more. And along with it, the pollen levels will drastically ...
Do you like to drink your coffee black, without milk or cream? Then you might be a psychopath, according to a new study conducted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. “Malevolent and sadistic traits” The ...
Losing your hair can be a real mood killer, since you often associate hair with your appearance. To be forced to an involuntary change can get one feeling really depressed. However, according to researchers, being ...