This is what happens to the penis without sex, number 5 is terrifying

Previously, we wrote about what happens to your body when you stop having sex, but now we will focus on one gender – the man. What happens to men when they stop having sex?

A lot! Here are 7 things that could happen to men who stop having sex!

1. Decreased sexual desire
When a man doesn’t have sex that often, the level of testosterone in the body decreases. This results in a lower sexual desire. And this leads to lower self-esteem, which in turn also affects horniness negatively. A vicious cycle.

2. More nocturnal erections
When men don’t receive the dose of sex that they need, it usually also means getting fewer erections while awake. However, the body is such a perfect machine that it compensates for this. So for the penis to have enough fresh blood and oxygen, this procedure takes place while sleeping instead.

3. The penis can reduce in size
This is all about the testosterone content in the body. It decreases if a man does not have sex often – and that can reduce the size of the penis. Now, we are talking about only a few millimeters. In contrast, a rich sex life can increase your size. Unfortunately, we are still talking about just a few millimeters.

“Can affect self-esteem”

4. Increased risk of impotence
The male penis is, as you know, a muscle – and like every other muscle, it needs training. When the man can’t have sex – or the muscle doesn’t get exercised – especially if it’s for a prolonged time, the chances of it working properly simply decrease. And yes, this is a fact.

5. Increased risk of prostate cancer
The more often a man ejaculates, the less the danger of suffering from prostate cancer. According to experts, regular sex reduces the risk by as much as 20%. It may also be worth mentioning that the treatment of prostate cancer can cause a penis length reduction of up to 1.5 inches.

6. More clumsy surprises
Men who don’t pay attention to their sexual life – and their body – simply force it to do it for them. Often at night. If a man doesn’t ejaculate regularly, the body can begin to “force out” the accumulated sperm that’s intended for making children. Thus, a sexless life can lead to unwanted surprises.

7. Can lose the erection
Yes, if the penis is not used on a regular basis, it may not work properly when the time comes. This has both physical and mental causes. On one hand, it’s not used to being filled with blood for an extended period, and on the other, a lack of sex can reduce self-confidence – and nervousness rarely helps with an erection.

Sources: YourtangoSharecareHealinglifeisnatural

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