

Nutritional Facts: Which banana would you choose?

It's better to sleep in than to go for a morning run

Getting up before the sun rises to go for a run, sounds, as the British would say, completely mental. After ...

This is how long you can sit on the toilet

Even if some people consider themselves above the rest, we are all the same. We need to eat, sleep, and ...

You should stop overusing toilet paper

Do you only use plain toilet paper to clean yourself after a bathroom visit? If yes, you are one of ...

Here's why you should never eat your boogers

Over 90 percent of adults regularly poke their noses—and a surprising amount also tend to eat their boogers. However, it ...

What happens when women stop having sex?

If you were to do a survey among adults about what they like to do the most, most people would ...

Why you should wear socks in bed

No matter what you did or how much fun you had through the day, jumping in bed at the end ...