20-year-old Gerkary has the world’s longest tongue – “men say they are jealous of my boyfriend”

Over 7 billion of us live on this planet, and we are all different. That is great; imagine how sad the world would be if everyone looked and behaved the same.

Our unique differences are what make the world so beautiful. However, some people’s characteristics are so distinctive that they end up in the Guinness Book of Records.

20-year-old American Gerkary Bracho Blequett is not yet recognized in any official record. Still, according to herself, she has the world’s longest tongue.

Being born with a disproportional trait can be a blessing or a curse. For Gerkary Bracho Blequett, her long tongue has made her a celebrity.

Picture: Barcroft TV / Youtube

That’s how long her tongue is

Gerkary Bracho Blequett claims to have the world’s longest tongue—and no one has been able to disprove her so far.

Picture: Barcroft TV / Youtube

The 20-year-old can lick her elbows, eyes, and even ears with her super-long tongue measuring 4.5 inches outside her mouth.

Picture: Barcroft TV / Youtube

It all started with her posting a photo of her exceptional body part on her Instagram.

Picture: Barcroft TV / Youtube

After many people wrote that they did not believe the photo was real. Gerkary uploaded a video to prove it was, indeed, the truth. Immediately earning her millions of views.

Picture: Barcroft TV / Youtube

“It’s crazy and it makes me feel famous!” She said in an interview with Barcroft TV.

Picture: Barcroft TV / Youtube

The cheerful 20-year-old says that many who see her tongue for the first time ask to see it again.

“Some get scared, but it doesn’t matter to me,” Gerkary says.

Picture: Barcroft TV / Youtube

Below you can see the full interview!

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