Monster Meat: Man with a 10-pound penis can no longer have sex

Does penis size matter? If it does, how big is too big? These are questions that almost every man has asked himself over the course of their life.

Well, a man from Germany seems to have gotten closer to the answer. He is packing a 10 pounds heavy, 9 inches long, and 3.5 inches wide penis. His member has grown so much that, forget a sexual partner, it barely fits inside his pants.

Featured in a TV show produced by Vice, Michael, 51, tells the crew about his story as the man with (maybe) the biggest penis in the world.

“I try to make sure it is not too obvious, but buying new pants is not easy,” he says.

Image: Youtube / Vice

We recently wrote about how the bigger your penis is, the more you earn. However, it turns out that the sweet spot is around 7 inches. Once it gets bigger, things can change drastically.

“It was a nice feeling”

Such is the case for a man from Germany who is currently hiding a “monster” between his legs. It started with him receiving a penis pump as a present over 20 years ago, which he tried out of curiosity.

“It was a nice feeling,” he told Vice Germany.

Image: Youtube / Vice

However, that was not enough. Wanting more, he decided to inject saline solution into his scrotum—and in the end, Michael coughed up the money for silicone implants. Back in 2015, during the man interview, he admitted to having four operations in total.

How do all these procedures affect his sex life? Yes, that’s the first thing that comes to mind for most of us. Very hard to avoid thinking about it.

“When you reach a certain size, there are certain things you can no longer do. At least not with everyone and without foreplay. However, there are other things you can do with it,” Michael says.

A massive penis will get you the spotlight

People’s reactions are very different after seeing his “bulge.”

“Sometimes, I notice people looking. But with time, over the years, I don’t pay it any attention,” the man from Berlin told Vice.

Image: Youtube / Vice

In the video below, which is about 13 minutes long, you can see Michael at a festival where his giant “package” gets lots of attention. Some want to take selfies with him, some want to touch it, and others probably want much more than just a squeeze.

Sensitive viewers, stay back. The video certainly has a bit of spice! But I personally found it very interesting!

Isn’t it great that he follows his dreams? Now press that share button below and share the news with your friends!

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