Summer is saved – here is the new suit with a realistic sixpack and huge biceps

Have you put on a few extra pounds during the pandemic? Or are you simply just a bit lazy and prefer the couch over going to the gym?

Regardless of the situation, now you can finally get a dreamy summer body – without real effort or expensive surgery.

This new swol suit will get the ladies drooling and the men seething with jealousy this summer.

Even though it is still April, the sun is slowly starting to warm up our cold skin after a long and freezing winter.

Before we know it, summer will be here at full blast. Vacations and trips to the beach are something even us introverts are looking forward to.

This pandemic has tested our patience for longer than we ever imagined.

A suit that makes you swol

Suppose you have not been exercising during the winter. In that case, you may have realized that that beach body you had a few summers ago will not make it this year, reports the Daily Star.

But if you still want to be proud of your body when you walk around on the beach, now you have the chance to buy a swol silicone suit with realistic muscles.

Image source: Smitizen

The dream body can be purchased with different parts options: upper body, lower body, or full body.

Behind the suit is the company Smitizen.

The dream body is not cheap

The suit costs between $200 and $300, depending on how many muscles you want.

Image source: Smitizen

However, the suit is quite warm to wear during the summer, especially on the beach, which makes sense since it is made of silicone.

Image source: Smitizen

But you may have to stick to the old expression “No pain, no gains” if you want a swol body this summer.

If you are interested, you can find it here.

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