One of the best things in life is having a child.
Pregnancy is something incredible and it’s a time that many remember with both joy and love, but it can be difficult with extra weight and the protruded belly, particularly during the summer.
Now, however, there’s a new product that can make it easier for future mothers – or men with a beer belly.
Enjoying the summer break while being pregnant is a difficult task. It’s very warm and humid, the belly gets in the way – and it’s easy to sweat a lot while carrying a little person inside of you.
Now, however, there’s a new floaty to save summer for all pregnant mothers and it only costs $75 on Amazon.
Comfortable for the hips and back
Sounds like a worthy investment! According to several customers.

What is special about the floaty, which you can use in water or on land, is that it has a hole designed to accommodate a pregnant stomach. The creators also designed it to be extra comfortable for the hips, back, and legs, according to the site Diply.

The mattress should also, according to the manufacturer, be considerably more stable than similar products – making it much easier to use. While most customers use it on the beach or in a pool, some use it for work or even watching TV.

“It’s worth every penny. You can lie both on your back or the stomach. My hips and my back feel so much better,” wrote a user on Amazon.
“This mattress almost saved my life during pregnancy,” wrote another.

A comfortable mattress solution that you can use virtually anywhere, a special hole for the stomach and extra stability. Besides a reasonable price, it feels like a good investment for all pregnant mothers – especially now that it’s summer.
Do you know someone who needs this amazing invention? Tag that person on Facebook! It can either be a pregnant woman or a friend with a good beer belly!