

Husband enraged over wife’s mountain of Amazon packages

Husband enraged over wife's Amazon packages

Is there anything more fun than successfully pulling a prank on someone you know? It may be ridiculous or childish ...

Student finds out she is pregnant in class

April is a wonderful month. The heat starts to come back, and you can finally sit outside to enjoy the ...

Man builds the iconic DeLorean from snow and gets a ticket from the cops

Police work is though, the force is the foundation of our society – all my encounters with officers have been ...

Jaqueline generates strong reactions with her bizarre teeth

There is a new online trend every day, sometimes even two or three – from a new challenge where you ...

Brat scares the living daylight out of barber – now watch as he suspects the chilling revenge

The young boy in the video is called Vito. He put a big plastic cockroach on his barber’s table without ...