Only a few people pass this test: How many M’s can you see in this picture?

Over the last few years, it has become a trend online to challenge ourselves and our friends with different puzzles. It can be anything from solving riddles to picture puzzles or even math problems.

It’s always fun to test our skills and limitations in different ways. It’s probably due to our competitive instinct, which is, something that everyone has, some more than others.

This picture (below) will put your skills to the test. It is quite tricky – even though it sounds simple on paper.

One of the strongest memories I have from my school days is when the teacher, instead of the usual textbook lessons, came up with something different. Some loved watching movies — but my favorite was when we had to complete some sort of puzzle.

A fun way to exercise the mind

During math class, I used to enjoy solving equations and problems, one day the teacher came up with another type of challenge.

Challenge this
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He provided us with different kinds of puzzles. Quizzes, riddles, pictures – it was different every time. Recently, I have started solving them again, and it is a really fun way to exercise the mind for me and my friends and family.

Therefore, I thought I would share with you one of the last I encountered. As mentioned before, it is simple but very challenging. It requires the eyes and brain to work together – otherwise, it will get difficult.

How many M’s?

You have 10 seconds to solve this puzzle. Look at a picture full of W’s, your task is to figure out how many M’s are hidden in the image.

I shared this puzzle with 3 of my relatives – and nobody answered correctly on the first attempt. Of course, it will be easier if you take more than 10 seconds, so don’t cheat.

Let‘s start – how many M’s do you see in this picture?

Challenge M's

Hard, wasn’t it?

At least, most people think so – as they struggle with this puzzle!

Now let’s see if you managed to find all the M’s in the picture.

Below all M’s are marked in white!

How many did you find?

Challenge solution

There are 9 M’s in the picture!

Did you find more than 5? Then you did great! If so, press the share button and you can pass on this fun challenge to your friends!