Man has to choose between girlfriend and dog – his brilliant reaction leaves the net in fits of laughter

“Dog is man’s best friend.” This is probably one of the oldest truths. Dogs’ love is always pure and unconditional — which is more than you can say about most people.

The bond between dog and man is special, sometimes even stronger than the one between family members — and I often do everything in my power to avoid being away from my dogs.

And just like me, this man from Virginia felt the same way about his dog. When his girlfriend forced him to choose between them, he did what many others would have done too — but with an unexpected twist, according to the site Happiest.

The couple, from Roanoke, Virginia, had been dating for four years and decided it was finally time to move in together. But the girlfriend had an unexpected demand.

“Me or the dog”

His girlfriend was always jealous of how much attention this man was giving his dog, the 4-year-old beagle Molly. So before moving in, she forced him to choose — “me or the dog.”

This man, having no other choice, put an ad on Craigslist.

Girlfriend or dog
Image source: Craigslist

“Will never greet you at the door”

In the ad, the boyfriend writes about his girlfriend, even though it seems like he is badmouthing his dog at first.

What a twist! I laughed out loud once I realized who he was talking about. Click that SHARE button so your dog-loving friends see this story as well.