If you go crazy when you hear other people chewing – then you could be a genius, according to science

Do you find it difficult to maintain your train of thought when the person next to you chews on a banana? Or do you stop the conversation when someone is messing around with a bag of chips?

Congratulations then, you might be a genius, according to a new study. Reports the Daily Mail.

New research has found that about 20% of the earth’s population suffers from Misophonia. A disorder in which certain sounds, or even the expectation of such noises, trigger emotional or physiological responses. Chewing noises, heavy breathing, yawning, snoring, etc. These sounds can create anxiety, irritation, and stress for those of you with Misophonia. But suffering from this disorder could mean that you just are a natural genius.

A problem-solving genius

According to a study at Northwestern University in Illinois, researchers found a link between Misophonia and high creativity.

Researchers studied over 100 participants and their ability to find creative and original solutions to different problems while hearing different noises.

The results, published on Science Direct, showed that those who had the hardest time ignoring the noises were also the ones who came up with the most creative and unusual solutions to the problems.

The right environment

However, to make use of their creativity, the environment must be noise-free.

“If funneled in the right direction, these sensitivities can make life more rich and meaningful, giving experiences more subtlety,” Darya Zabelina, a Ph.D. psychology student who took part in the study, told the Daily Mail.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons

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