

Older siblings are the WORST drivers, according to science

Older siblings are the WORST drivers

Do you know anyone who acts a real fool behind the wheel? They might be a bit too heavy on ...

Scientists discover Popcorn is healthier than fruit and vegetables

Do you feel a wave of regret after you finish an entire bag of popcorn on your own? Well, time ...

Do you go crazy when you hear certain noises? Then you could be a genius

Do you find it difficult to maintain your train of thought when the person next to you chews on a ...

Left-handed people are smarter, according to science

The left hand, since ancient times, has been connected to beliefs of all kinds, for example, that being left-handed shortens ...

Science confirms: Men with beer guts are more attractive and live longer

Today, there is a lot of focus on trying to get the unattainable looks we see on magazines and TV. ...