

Women prefer men with beer bellies to those with abs, new study claims

Women prefer men with beer bellies, study claims

Society’s image of “sexy men” has changed repeatedly throughout history. For example, hundreds of years ago, having a large stomach ...

It's better to sleep in than to go for a morning run

Getting up before the sun rises to go for a run, sounds, as the British would say, completely mental. After ...

Ford drivers are the absolute worst

There are always idiots behind the wheel on the road—and I’m pretty sure most of us have screamed at other ...

Your penis size affects how much money you earn

Does size matter? This must be one of the most asked questions in history. Every man’s “package” varies. No matter ...

Idiot tries to run over snowman

One of the best things about winter as a child is playing in the snow. Back then, it was a ...

Here's why you should never eat your boogers

Over 90 percent of adults regularly poke their noses—and a surprising amount also tend to eat their boogers. However, it ...