

Men hide in the bathroom for hours to get out of doing chores

Men hide in the bathroom for hours to escape chores

Being able to be by ourselves from time to time is vital to our survival. There’s no way we can ...

Jimmy has the world record for taking the longest dump

Most of us stay longer than we should in the bathroom. Thanks to our phones, we have access to games, ...

Here's why you should always close the toilet lid before flushing

Flushing after you use the bathroom is one of the many unspoken rules of toilet-etiquette. No one wants (or should) ...

Jimmy, 48, breaks world record for longest time sat on a toilet – 116 hours

116 hours correspond to about 4.8 days. It was exactly the time that the 48-year-old Jimmy De Frenne, from Belgium, ...

14 hilarious toilet signs that will have you laughing your ass off

1. This sign speaks the truth! 2. In today’s society, a third alternative is always welcome. 3. Haha! Easy to ...