

Charles, an Australian, traveled to Sweden – to remove the insides of his ears

Amber is obsessed with tattoos and operations

At the age of 16, Amber Luke, now 27, realized she wasn’t comfortable looking like the average Australian blonde girl. ...

Adam, 32, has tattooed 90% of his body black

We should all have the power to decide what to do (or don’t) with our own bodies, and discrimination against ...

Becky has the world's "most tattooed vagina"

Nowadays, it is very common to have a tattoo or two. In the past, sailors and prisoners were the ones ...

Sandro wants to look like a skull

The way you dress matters only to you. As long as you are an adult and no one gets hurt, ...

Man wants to look like a skull

The way you look and dress is no one else’s business. As long as you are an adult and no ...

This 39-year-old wants to look like a skull – is addicted to tattoos and had his ears removed through surgery

Your looks are entirely up to you, as long as you don’t harm or offend others, and you are old ...