Treating yourself to a beer every now and then feels wonderful. To sit in the warmth of the sun and sip on a nice cold drink – who wouldn’t love that?
Sometimes, you wish that moment could last forever, but it is just not feasible to drink beer all day, every day, for several reasons.
However, a man from Cincinnati has succeeded in what most of us mere mortals can only dream about. His name is Del Hall, and he lived on beer alone for 46 days. But here is the kicker – he lost 44 pounds during his “beer diet,” reports Ladbible.
From March 6 until Easter 2019, Del Hall, from Cinncinati, Ohio, survived only on beer. The inspiration for this odd diet came from 18th-century monks in old German Bavaria.
Tasty benefits
Without cheating once in his new “diet,” Del actually lost weight by only consuming beer for 46 days.
“I’m feeling great! I went from 292.5 to 248.5. I lost 44 pounds. Not a single cheat! I plan to continue to lose weight through a protocol of intermittent fasting and portion control.” said Del to Ladbible.
Will continue to drink beer
Del is, believe it or not, employed by a beer manufacturer, and his love for the drink is as strong as ever despite the diet.
“No, I really love beer, and I will never get tired of beer. When I ate my first meal after the diet, I washed everything down with beer,” says Del.
The diet consisted of water in the mornings and between two and five beers at some point during the day.
“The first beer usually goes down in the afternoon, but for the most part, I drink at home during the night,” said Del to Ladbible.
Do recommend that others try
Although the diet was successful for Del, he doesn’t recommend others try the same thing.
“No, I would not encourage others to try. There are probably other, better ways to lose weight that are healthier,” he concluded.
The part Del missed the most during his beer diet was sushi.
Such willpower! Even though beer is so good! Now press that SHARE button to show your friends this crazy story!