78-year-old turns into sexy pin up model – the amazing result is making millions cheer

Even as you enter the autumn of life, you deserve to be comfortable in your own body, and feel attractive and sexy – if you want to, that is.

Chrissy Sparks from England is a master at photographing women. With the help of posing, lighting and styling, she brings out the best in everyone’s beauty, no matter their age.

“I want everyday women to have access to a full photoshoot experience and magazine cover style images that models usually do,” she says to the English newspaper The Mirror, and adds:

“Through my work, I celebrate women of all ages, shapes and sizes – everyone can be beautiful. Almost all the women that come to us are very nervous at first, but my team and I work hard to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for them.”

Personally, I think this is amazing! Everyone wants to feel attractive and wanted every now and then. Looks aren’t everything, but things like these can give you a huge boost in confidence and self-esteem. If it makes you feel better and more comfortable in your own skin, then I’m all for it!

Below, you can see the before-and-after pictures of 5 elderly women who Chrissy Sparks has worked with. The results are amazing – it really goes to show that age is just a number! It’s no wonder that hundreds of thousands of people are cheering them on!

Joanna, 58 years old

Mavis, 67 years old

Tricia, 60 years old

Pauline, 78 years old

Jane, 65 years old

Source (all): DollHousePhotographyUK (Instagram)

Age is just a number – these photos really show that all women are beautiful, no matter your age!

Cheer these brave women on by pressing the share button and spreading this important message!