Instant Karma: Idiot tries to run over snowman with their car

One of the best things about winter as a child is playing in the snow. Back then, it was a joy to slide around, have snow fights—and then build snowmen with friends and family!

Building a snowman is a very joyful activity, not only for children but for their parents as well. You get to work together and decorate them with carrots, clothes, and buttons.

As an adult, nothing gives you such a refreshing trip down memory lane as building a snowman. It is almost as fun as when you were a child.

Destroying a snowman that others put time and energy into is not something you’d think people would want to do—but unfortunately, there are idiots everywhere. However, there are ways to get revenge, which Cody did with his perfect plan.

Not long ago, during winter in New York, Cody Lutz, his fiancée, and his sister-in-law decided to build a snowman.

Snowman—around a stump

To make the snowman as big as possible, they built the lower part around a large tree stump rooted in the plot.

The finished snowman was majestic and tall, which you can see in the picture below.

Found tire tracks in the snow

Of course, the trio was very pleased with their great work—but someone in the neighborhood must have had something against snowmen.

The next day, Cody found tire tracks in the snow on his plot. The tracks led straight towards the snowman, who seemed to have suffered some damage.

Someone had tried to run over the snowman with their car. However, the driver apparently got some instant karma when they collided with the huge tree stump underneath.

“Life is hard when you are stupid”

Cody then posted a picture of the failed sabotage attempt.

“What they didn’t count on was the big stump in the middle. Life is hard, but it must be even harder when you are stupid!” Cody wrote jokingly in the post.

Hopefully, the driver didn’t suffer any injuries, but he will probably have to visit a car repair shop before driving again.

What a nice example of instant karma!

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