karma is a bitch

karma is a bitch

Pickpocket steals wallet from veteran

Pickpocket steals from veteran

Something that annoys me to no end is people who can’t tell the difference between what’s theirs and what’s not. ...

Grandma gets tired of idiots speeding

In today’s society, we are very often in a hurry. There is stress at work, a long queue at the ...

Idiot tries to run over snowman

One of the best things about winter as a child is playing in the snow. Back then, it was a ...

Idiot refuses to put out his cigarette at a gas station

Smoking has, fortunately, become increasingly uncommon today. Certainly, the new smoking laws have contributed to this, which is good for ...

Entitled old lady tells mom to stop breastfeeding

Something that never fails to be a controversial topic is breastfeeding in public. Some people think that breastfeeding should only ...