

Pickpocket steals wallet from veteran

Pickpocket steals from veteran

Something that annoys me to no end is people who can’t tell the difference between what’s theirs and what’s not. ...

Idiot tries to run over snowman

One of the best things about winter as a child is playing in the snow. Back then, it was a ...

McDonald's cuts down farmer's trees to put up a sign

Sometimes trying to outsmart or overstep the local residents is not a good idea. A McDonald’s franchise wanted to draw ...

Two stupid guys try to kick a poor cow

Animals are wonderful! They are our little neighbors and help us give life to this beautiful planet. Sure, they can’t ...

Idiot in a Corvette cuts off truck trying to change lanes

For the roads to be safe, we must help each other out. Everyone must do their part to make driving ...

Genius thieves siphon diesel from a bus

When you are a child, one of the first things you learn is not to steal. You just need to ...