

Women with a big butt are healthier and have smarter kids

Women with a big butt are healthier

Most people are happy with the butt they were born with. Others wish they had a smaller behind—and some would ...

This bracelet shocks you if you eat candy

When we were young, being allowed to eat candy was a rare occurrence. But now, as grownups, we have access ...

Nutritional Facts: Which banana would you choose?

Out of the almost 8 billion of us, no pair of individuals is exactly the same, this is one of ...

Which bananas do you prefer?

People worldwide have different tastes, and will defend their choices no matter the subject. However, there are few topics as ...

Doctors warn: 7 important reasons why you should never pee standing up

Going to the bathroom might not be the hottest topic of conversation with your friends or coworkers. However, it is ...

Doctor's tip: Eating your boogers is good for your health

Poking your nose is nothing strange really, we all do this every now and then. However, it’s considered bad manners ...