Do you normally use toilet paper as the only method to clean yourself after a bathroom visit?
If yes, then you are one of many, many Americans who are guilty of that mistake. Or that is what a number of doctors believe to be the case. Ordinary, dry toilet paper can lead to irritation and even a severe infection, reports The Mirror.
Experts warn against the excessive use of toilet paper, according to the news site. This incredibly common product not only does a poor job of getting rid of all fecal matter after using the restroom but also has left us in a pinch when it was needed the most at the peak of the pandemic.
Paper can cause hemorrhoids
In addition, the development of the process to clean oneself has not progressed at all for centuries.

In countries such as Japan, Greece, Argentina, and Italy, bidets are used to a great extent, which leads to a more complete and hygienic cleaning – but most of the other nations have fallen behind on this matter. Among them, we find America.
Doctors claim that excessive dry wiping can cause health problems such as anal injuries, itching, and urinary tract infection. In the long run, it can also increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids, writes The Mirror.

While this may sound absurd, American celebrities like Will Smith and Terrence Howard have openly advocated the use of other methods to clean ourselves. While wet wipes have been mentioned, they are made to resist water and will clog the pipes if used. Bidets are the obvious solution and the way to a cleaner future.
Millions with a dirty anus
According to the site Tonic, 90 percent of households in Spain, Greece, and Italy have their own bidet – but finding one in an American home is highly unusual. The question now is whether one should consider investing in one. According to experts, the answer is yes as it facilitates cleaning the buttocks. Especially after going number two.

Rose George, who wrote the book The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters, tells Tonic how toilet paper does not remove stool residue well enough.
“I find it rather baffling that millions of people are walking around with dirty anuses while thinking they are clean. Toilet paper moves shit, but it doesn’t remove it. You wouldn’t shower with a dry towel; why do you think that dry toilet paper cleans you?”

So stop using toilet paper immediately and invest in a bidet instead – it is time to follow the advice of the experts and live a, safer, healthier (and cheaper) life!
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