Man takes Viagra for bulls – has an erection for 3 days straight

We all do crazy things in our lives. Sometimes for money, sometimes for fame, and sometimes for love. We all want to impress people, especially if there is an individual we are interested in. However, this leads to decisions that, in hindsight, shouldn’t have even been considered.

According to several media outlets, a man had to be rushed to the ER by paramedics after taking a potent Viagra concoction (intended for bulls). The person in question suffered from a painful erection for three consecutive days before seeking help.

The man remains anonymous—but it seems that it happened while he was preparing for a hot date with a promising partner. Pressured to meet the expectations, he chose to take Viagra, or so he thought.

Source: Pexels – The people in the image has no relation to the story

The very powerful viagra he ingested, which is otherwise used by farmers when they want bulls to fertilize cows, gave the man a “raging boner” for three days straight, reports The Sun.

The wrong viagra by accident

He first thought nothing of it and hoped that it would settle down after “polishing the banister.” But when after three days without losing his erection, the man was forced to seek medical attention, reports La Jornada.

Public Domain Pictures

Once in the hospital, the man got emergency treatment. And after a small operation, his penis went back to normal, says La Republica.

This can happen if you are not careful with what you put inside your body. At least make sure it’s for humans. This could have ended up much worse, but thankfully, everything came to an end without serious injuries.

Do you know anyone who could make this mistake? Then tag them on Facebook, or share this important warning with your friends!

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