funny mistakes

funny mistakes

Mom sends her son to school wearing a “Mcdonald’s” t-shirt

Kid goes to school wearing a "Mcdonald's" t-shirt

Most kids, especially teenagers, suffer embarrassment from their parents at some point. As a dad or mom, all you want ...

Ella shows her bedroom to her mom

The relationship between teenagers and their parents can be complicated, mainly because young adults are trying to find their way ...

Eight cursed playgrounds

Going to different playgrounds with your children should be a fun and straightforward experience. The children get to play while ...

Dildo in flames – takes 22 firefighters to put out

As a firefighter, you have to face many challenges. It can be anything, from an animal getting stuck on a ...

This tradesman colossal mistake will leave you tearing your hair out

If there is one profession you can quickly get tired of dealing with is carpenters, plumbers, or any type of ...

16 people who took their eyebrows to the next level – in a bad way

Everyone on this planet is unique, and we all have our own tools to change our appearance. Some, however, try ...