

New product: Here’s the hug friendly and gigantic penis pillow

John wakes up with two "rings" around his penis

Dirty jokes are an ancient tradition. It is difficult to say precisely when the first one was told. Still, most ...

Your penis size affects how much money you earn

Does size matter? This must be one of the most asked questions in history. Every man’s “package” varies. No matter ...

Here is the perfect penis size

Since time immemorial, men and women (perhaps men a bit more) have debated about the ideal penis size. Does size ...

New dating site for men with small penises

Everyone talks about penis size at one point in their life. How big is too big? What’s considered small? What ...

Roberto has the world's largest penis

The ideal penis size has been a topic of conversation among both men and women since time immemorial. Does size ...

The perfect penis size

Since ancient times, both men and women, but perhaps mainly men, have debated about penis size. Does size really matter? ...