new discover

new discover

Amazing Discovery: Here is the world’s biggest turd

Here is the world's biggest turd

Going to the toilet is one of the most natural things a person can do. What we put in our ...

Entrepreneur: Stephanie sells her farts in glass jars

Breaking wind, dropping some gas, a bottom burp, etc. Farts have many names, and no matter how rightful and proper ...

Why you should wear socks in bed

No matter what you did or how much fun you had through the day, jumping in bed at the end ...

McDonald's revelation: You've been eating Fries wrong all your life

Eating healthy is good for you, that much is obvious. Sometimes, however, you just want to treat yourself to something ...

Your coffee might contain traces of crushed cockroaches

Some of us can not start our day without a cup of good ‘ol coffee. A dose of this heavenly ...